Into The Woods….
When I was growing up, there weren’t many weekends in November that I didn’t find myself sitting in the car as we headed to “deer camp” for a weekend of camping. As we drove onto our deer lease, the open prairie turned to forest, and I would begin searching the woods for all of the little animals that lived there. Squirrels, armadillos, deer….It always felt a little magical, bouncing up and down as we hit each rut in the road, looking as deeply into the trees as I could to see what lived there. Oh, what excitement I’d feel when I spotted an animal! Flash forward twenty-five years (or maybe it’s thirty - yikes!), and I’ve found myself once again bouncing up and down another road full of ruts, winding my way through the woods, feeling that same sense of excitement when I see any of the local wildlife. Except this time, instead of it being a temporary weekend getaway, I’m driving into the woods….to my home. And it’s a truly magical place! A little oasis at the top of a hill, frequented by squirrels, chipmunks, bobcats, deer, and even the occasional elk and cougar.
We’ve made a little farm here on the edge of the woods, adding chickens and bees to the cast of characters that live in the forest. And of course, we started a vegetable and flower garden. And it’s this little garden on the edge of the woods, that I’ve expanded every year for the past three, that’s ignited a passion that had always been there, but had been crowded out by other things. Things like business requirement documents, weekly reports, quality assurance testing, and meeting after meeting after meeting after meeting. But then I “retired”, and I had room in my mind again for other things…..beautiful things……creative things…..FlowerWood Farm things.
I hope you enjoy all that FlowerWood Farms has to offer - I know that I enjoyed growing it.